
DUTA COOP Server Rules

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DUTA COOP Server Rules

Postby Nilrem||DUTA|| on 17 Apr 2005, 14:45

HI all

Just a quick run down of regualtions we generally play by on DUTA COOP, when it is running obviously, ADVS rules will be explained in room as always.

COOP on DUTA is generally a fast thing, every map is limited to 6 minute regardless of who's on, as it gets very dull watching others play slowly for 15-20 minutes.

Weapon restrictions are always: No primary cmags, no HBS technologies, no gas, no smoke, no breaching charges, remote mines or claymores.

Sometimes Frags/Flashes will also be restricted, if we playing speed coop, or too many slack TK's/Blindings.

As for Zulu/Last man ruling we are pretty tolerant. General rule is if 10 or less left, welcome to RAMBO (ie even faster with pistol only) until dead, complete.

RAMBO'ing is only acceptable with pistol and no gimp. Last man with gimp should just die. Any more than 10 terros left or very spread out, then again should suicide unless specifically told otherwise within room, ie SPEED COOP.

Hope this explains the way we play it, not meaning to be harsh or out, just trying to keep COOP fun and interesting, unlike many other places where u sit and watch ppl in clouds of smoke. :roll:

Pls follow rules all.

People disobeying rules constantly or mass zuluing may be kicked/banned so please pay attention to admins. :D
In the moment of action remember silence and order.
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