
Forum Access - General

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Forum Access - General

Postby Nilrem||DUTA|| on 24 May 2007, 11:16

Due to the amount of spam we have been receiving on a daily basis we have now taken steps to help tackle the problem.

1).You must now register with the Phorum.

2).Your account will need to be activated by an administrator (Note to spammers - All none activated accounts are not shown in the member list or via the newest registered user, so if your registering to advertise a web site here dont bother your account will be deleted long before anyone sees the web address).

DUTA admin apologies for this slight inconvenience, but hopes with the above steps in place it will make your visit an enjoyable one free from spam and advertisements.

We will try and activate any legitimate account as quickly as possible, but You can help yourselves by not advertising web addresses, by using your real gaming tags or email addresses or by letting us know what you plan to sign up as.

If anyone does try to sign up and struggles to gain legitimate access to this phorum, please do not hesitate to let me, or any other DUTA member know. We will of course look into your application personally.

Everything/everyone else will be most likely judged as spammers/bots and removed, allowing you only read access to this area.
In the moment of action remember silence and order.
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